Are you ready for spring? It will come sooner then we know, and Bowman Plains Mini Storage wants you to be prepared. Now is a great time to clean out the house and get rid of clutter. Pinterest has ideas for home renovation, clutter clean-out, and spring cleaning. Find the links below to start organizing with Pinterest.
Double check the link on Pinterest is working. Simply click on the photo and the site will open.
Make a to-do list of rooms you want to conquer first. Within each room decide where to start.
Start Organizing:
Keep the waste to a minimum by reusing materials you were going to through out.
If you are moving or switch rooms around, stay on top of all the stresses moving brings. Pinterest has guidelines and helpful tips get you through the hectic process.
Cleaning your bathroom can be a hassle sometimes. Pinterest has the tools to make the job simple.
Keep these clever kitchen ideas at the top of your mind the next time you clean up.
Manage the information:
Consider making an ICE book (In Case of Emergency). Its helpful to have all your important documents in one place.
Budget like a pro. With so many different ways to budget it’s hard to know which one works for you. Use Pinterest to narrow down what helps you.
If you are unsure of how to start your budget take advantage of Pinterest. There are so many different ways to manage your finances.
When it’s time to clean house and get your belongings in order. Stop by and talk with the storage professionals at Bowman Plains Mini Storage. We are happy to help you conquer your organization problems.
Katie Mest
About the Author: Katie Mest is a Content Marketing Specialist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She specializes in writing about the self storage industry, including storage tips and helpful resources. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors and snuggling in with a crochet project and her cat, Billie.